Here's part of the gang...honestly...trying to corral everyone
for a photo was a hair pulling experience...
We went on our annual running y trip this last weekend.
To spice things up some of us left early Friday morning and went
to the Lava Beds. It really is pitch black in here. The camera
flash lights everything up.
Actually Pat brought her box of chocolate that she picked up
in Belgium to share with everyone. Delish!
I know I can fit in this 12 inch space...
Alex loved it...
Going down the shoot!
Here's that chocolate again...all over the walls...
There were patches of snow outside but it really was warm
in the caves and out. It was weird.
Running Y was fun. No sledding this year. Everyone had fun
chillin, hiking, swimming, ice-skating...
Here's Ralph and Alex with out 2 bedroom condos (we rented 5 of them)
behind us.
Herd hiking...
Uni cycling down the golf course hills... this was hysterical...Pat and Hillary were so
upset about this...I knew this pond wasn't over my head deep...
but they kept yelling all sorts of funny things to try and stop
these guys...
Jeff is dancing on ice...
We got in trouble by the golf course nazis for doing this...
Cute munchkins...
Here's some real ice-skating...
Chillin by the fire...
Pat and Sabrina under the heaters... tubbing...and sauna time....way to relax!
Babies love water!
We had a great time. Here's Chris and Alex. The babies
LOVED Chris.
One last photo....biking in snow...John and Dan...