It's April Fools Day and guess who's having a birthday?
Mr. Potato Head is a production from the Sutherland household.
The singing of the Birthday Song was quite terrifying...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAN! We won't disclose the number of years.
A Family Is Like a Garden...May we all grow through the seasons...weathering the storms...enjoying the sunshine...always loving and giving back to Mother Earth and God the Maker of us all
I love it!!! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNCLE DAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you going to put Mr Potato Head on the kitchen blog, too?
Happy Birthday you old fart! just kidding! But do the numbers 5 and 7 ring a bell? muhahahahahahaha (evil laugh)!!!
That's great!! Happy Birthday, Dan!! You're 75? Wow, lookin' good! ;)
I meant 52! OOPS! Sorry Dad!
Haha. At first glance I thought those were meatballs!! Happy Birthday Dan! And Great job guys!!
You guyrs are BEYOND creative with these cakes! But it kinda looks more like Mr. POOP head, to me!
He is 52! :D
great cake sutherlands totally believable meatballs....i mean cupcakes
Happy B-day OMF (ol' man Ford, OMF for short). So is all the hair you have left now white/grey, the pictures make it appear so...
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